NHS England Targets and National Priorities

This page is intended to help you understand NHS England's national priorities and objectives. Toggle through each tab dependant on your organisation to view your goals for 2023/24.

The Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) and the GP contract provide significant financial support and incentives to GP practices in England. Here's a breakdown:


  1. QOF Funding:
    • The QOF is a voluntary reward and incentive program for GP practices in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. It's designed to incentivise high-quality care.
    • For the year 2023/24, all disease register indicators within QOF will be income protected, ensuring stable funding for practices. This change releases significant funds, aimed at improving the quality of care.
  2. Items Compensated in QOF:
    • QOF compensates practices for a variety of healthcare delivery metrics and outcomes. This includes managing chronic conditions like heart failure, hypertension, and peripheral arterial disease.
    • Practices are also rewarded for performance in areas such as patient experience, clinical care, and public health.
  3. GP Contract Funding:
    • The 2023/24 GP contract changes have streamlined QOF, which includes a focus on performance-based funding.
    • A specific amount of funding is allocated to practices based on their achievement in various QOF indicators and other performance metrics.


These financial mechanisms are central to maintaining and improving the quality of care in general practice across the UK.

Helpful Links (sources):

  1. england.nhs.uk - GP Contract
  2. bma.org.uk - GP contract changes England 2023/24
  3. england.nhs.uk - Changes to the GP Contract in 2023/24
  4. bma.org.uk - Quality and outcomes framework (QOF)
  5. nhsconfed.org - GP Contract changes 2023/24: what you need to know
  6. practiceindex.co.uk - QOF 2023/24 summary

Primary Care Networks (PCNs) can expect specific funding allocations through the Investment and Impact Fund (IIF), which focuses on delivering high-quality care and achieving specified healthcare objectives. Here's a breakdown of the funding and requirements:

  1. Funding Amount:

    • In the year 2023/24, the IIF is valued at £300 million. This funding is distributed to PCNs based on their performance against certain indicators.
    • Approximately 70% of the non-indicator related IIF funding is dedicated as Capacity and Access Support Payment (CASP​​).
  2. Requirements for IIF:

    • To qualify for IIF funding, PCNs must meet specific performance targets. These targets are aligned with the objectives set out in the NHS Long Term Plan and the GP contract agreement.
    • The performance is evaluated based on key indicators, which are split into two categories: those related to service quality and outcomes, and those related to capacity and acces​​s).
    • The Capacity and Access Support Payment component specifically incentivises PCNs to improve patient access to services and enhance the capacity of their healthcare deliver​​).

Through the IIF, PCNs are encouraged and financially supported to align their services with broader NHS goals, focusing on both quality of care and accessibility.

Helpful Links (sources):

  1. england.nhs.uk - Investment and Impact Fund
  2. bma.org.uk - Primary care network funding
  3. livi.co.uk - What funding is available in 2024? 4 ways NHS partners
  4. bma.org.uk - GP contract changes England 2023/24
  5. doncasterlmc.co.uk - Investment and Impact Fund (IIF)
  6. klinikhealthcaresolutions.com - How does the new GP Contract impact Primary Care?

Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) play a crucial role in the NHS England structure, with specific priorities that align with the larger objectives of NHS England. Here are the key priorities for ICBs:

  1. Improving Health and Care Services:

    • ICBs focus on enhancing the overall quality of health and care services. This includes a strong emphasis on prevention and managing long-term conditions more effectively.
    • They aim to integrate services across different sectors, ensuring a more coordinated and efficient healthcare syste​​m.
  2. Reducing Health Inequalities:

    • One of the fundamental goals of ICBs is to reduce health inequalities within communities. This involves tailoring services to meet the needs of diverse populations and addressing social determinants of healt​​h.
  3. Strategic Planning and Implementation:

    • ICBs are responsible for strategic planning at a local level. They work collaboratively with NHS trusts and foundation trusts, focusing on implementing healthcare strategies effectively​​y.
  4. Prevention and Management of Long-Term Conditions:

    • The ICBs prioritise prevention strategies and effective management of long-term health conditions. This is key to improving population health outcome​s.
  5. Alignment with NHS England's Objectives:

    • ICBs are aligned with NHS England's broader objectives, including building effective integrated care systems across England. Their actions and strategies are instrumental in realising the vision of a more integrated and responsive NH​S.

These priorities showcase the role of ICBs as central to orchestrating a more integrated, equitable, and efficient healthcare system in the UK.

Helpful Links (sources):

  1. kingsfund.org.uk - Integrated care systems explained
  2. england.nhs.uk - Strategic Drivers
  3. england.nhs.uk - What are integrated care systems?
  4. england.nhs.uk - Guidance on updating the joint forward plan for 2024/25
  5. nhsconfed.org - 2023/24 NHS priorities and operational planning guidance
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