AskFirst - Using the Symptom Checker

AskFirst’s Symptom Checker is an online digital triage solution which will clinically assess your symptoms by asking approximately 10-15 questions. Dependant on the outcome of the symptom checker, you will then be offered the appropriate onward care. This may be an appointment at your local surgery, 111, out of hours, Enhanced Access hub, 999 or other local care services.

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1. Login

Login to the AskFirst app on your mobile phone or via your web browser.

AskFirst-Create-Account "Max Gattlin"
AskFirst online "Max Gattlin"
askfirst-symptom checker "Max Gattlin"

2. Symptom Checker (Urgent Appointment)

Select ‘Book Urgent Appointment’ from the list, this may be listed as ‘Symptom Checker’ depending on your local surgery’s settings.

3. Complete the Questions

Before starting the symptom checker, you will first be asked a question to rule out any red flags which require urgent attention. Once you have selected ‘none of the above’ from the list of emergencies listed, you will then be prompted to give your main symptom.  You can use voice/speech or text to give answers.

Askfirst - main symptom "Max Gattlin"
AskFirst-book-appointment "Max Gattlin"

4. Clinical decision

Once you have answered all of the questions and the system can make a clinical decision, you will then be offered a solution to the clinically validated outcome. If you require an appointment, you will be able to select an appointment slot from the list. You may also be given self-care advice or forwarded onto another appropriate service. 

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