AskFirst - Getting Up and Running

Below are the 5 steps required to create an account and setup the AskFirst app on your device or web browser. Click below for video or PDF format.

1. Download

Visit your Appstore on your mobile phone to download the AskFirst app. If you’re using an iPhone (iOS) you should visit the Appstore, and if using an Android phone, you will need to visit the PlayStore. Or simply click button below;

Appstore-Playstore "Max Gattlin"

Please note, if you don’t want to download the app, AskFirst can also be used on the web:

Download AskFirst "Max Gattlin"
AskFirst-Create-Account "Max Gattlin"

2. Create Account

Once you have downloaded the app, go ahead and open it. If using your web browser then simply launch the web widget and you should see this screen.

Select ‘Create Account’

3. Enter Postcode

To get started, you will need to enter your home postcode. This is used to locate your local practice.

AskFirst - postcode "Max Gattlin"
AskFirst - Personal Details "Max Gattlin"

4. Personal Details

Next you need to enter some personal details: surname, date of birth, gender, email address. These details are required to connect you to your local GP practice.

You must also then set a password. 

Be sure to read the ‘Privacy Policy’ and ‘Terms of use’ before selecting ‘I agree’.

Return to chat

Once you have read the guide, please click the button below to return to the chatbot to guide you further. If you are having technical difficulties, please return to the chatbot for support.

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